What is MELT?

Mandatory Entry Level Training or ELT Entry Level Training began being introduced in 2017 with the first province Ontario implementing a standard. An unfortunate accident occurred in 2018, where sixteen people died in a collision between a truck and bus and national attention was placed on truck driver training and requirements. Since that time nine […]

Don’t get scammed by Truck Driver Training School

Enrolling in a truck driver training program is a significant investment in your future career. However, with the increasing demand for truck drivers, there has been a rise in fraudulent schools that prey on aspiring drivers. Here are some essential tips to help you avoid scams and ensure you receive the best training possible in […]

Tuition Tax Credit. What is T2202?

Understanding Form T2202: Tax Credit for Truck Driver Training in Manitoba Form T2202, also known as the Tuition and Enrolment Certificate, is a tax document issued to students who have paid tuition fees for qualifying educational programs at a designated educational institution in Canada. This form is crucial in helping students and their families manage […]

Частые вопросы об учебе и работе водителем-дальнобойщиком для тех, кто приезжает по CUAET и не только в 2022 году

Назовем статью – основные повторяющиеся вопросы от Украинцев, которые едут в Канаду и хотят отучиться на водителя дальнобойщика. Я директор школы Buffalo Driver Training Евгений попробую ответить на эти вопросы как могу в познавательной и надеюсь интересной форме. MPI – Manitoba Public Insurance, страховая компания-монополист в провинции Манитоба, которая страхует водителей, транспортные средства и выдает […]

Работа водителя-дальнобойщика в Канаде – часть 2

Это продолжение моего рассказа о том, как устроиться и работать водителем-дальнобойщиком в Канаде, какие особенности и специфику надо учитывать. Я постараюсь ответить на часто задаваемые вопросы, которые люди присылают по почте или задают по телефону, чтобы дать понять, с чего вам надо начинать изучать тему. Но я не являюсь официальным представителем властей Канады или лицензионным […]

Class 1 MELT Course Details

MELT Training consists of the following:   40.5 hours classroom training 40.0 hours in-yard training 41.0 hours in-cab training Total 121.5 hours of training Prerequisites: 18 years of age or older Hold a full class 5 licence Have class 1A licence (class 1 authorized instruction) Have an “I” endorsement (authorized air brake instruction) Good English […]

Mandatory Entry Level Training Information

The Province of Manitoba has recently announced that Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) will soon be enforced in Manitoba for most Class 1 Licences, much like our neighbouring provinces of Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Federal government has also the announcement that a standard for drivers will be implemented nationally in 2020, however, no details […]